For better or worse, I occasionally pen poetry. Most are ekphratic poems; poems inspired by visual artwork or intended to inspire visual artwork. Studio B in Boyertown regularly invites artists to submit poetry or artwork for an annual book. I generally submit examples of both and usually get one or the other accepted. Several of these are poems written as part of an exchange between the Pittsburgh Society of Artists and the Pittsburgh Poetry Society.
Poem Under the Umbrella (2020), in response to my picture “Temple of Heaven Panorama” (2019)
Poem and Composite Photograph Heat-Tempered Rock (2020). Malcolm X as super-Hero
Poem A Raven Read the News (2020) in Response to “Midnight in the Garden” by Karen Brunette Garner
Sculpture & Poem (2019): Daedalus Resurrected After the Armageddon with Mozul on My Mind
Poem on the Yellow Vest Protests in France (2019): gilets jaunes
Poem apropos the Election of Donald R. Trump (for the 2018 book Let’s Rant): Can’t
Poem on the Death of Fidel Castro (2017): March of the Ashes
Poem and Photograph on the Obama-era anti-immigrant program (2013): Padlocked, No Sanctuary
Poem on My Photograph Golden Sanctuary by Judith R. Robinson (2013)
Poem What Do You See in response to Rochel Schiffrin’s Flying High (2013)
Poem Ascending in response to Sheila Golding’s assemblage of the same title (2013).