Beyond the Boundaries

A small Castle on a hilltop along the elbe River.
Mountain Climber in Saxon Switzerland.
The Bridge of Spies in Pottsdam overlaid iwth a picture of a section of hte Berlin Wall on which someone painted "Why"
Young Girls dancing on the Eastern side of the Branderberg Gate at Easter Time with artwork from a section of the remaining Berlin Wall overlaid.
Wedding couple posing under statue of Martin Luther. Iron mooring shackle overlays the picture.
Dragons in the Yard
Picture of a Cement factory on the outskirts of Austerlitz overlaid with graffiti from Prague
Trabant with Curry Wurst on Roof in memory of life behind the wall.
Inside the Wall
Composite based on the pile of shoes stolen from  victims of the Holocaust
Castle on a Rock
Awesome High
Back to the Bridge of Spies
Brandenburg Frolic
Civil Coupling under Luther's Nose
Crumbling Patriarchal Fantasies
Dragons in the Yard
Austerlitz Surprise
From Behind the Wall
Inside the Wall
Inside the Wire, Auschwitz
Yellow House on the Elbe
Klezmer Revival
Kuche, Kinder, Kirche
Stone Church Remains
Not Just Stones in a Field
Sand, Sun, and Coral
The Night Before Easter
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Castle on a Rock
Awesome High
Back to the Bridge of Spies
Brandenburg Frolic
Civil Coupling under Luther's Nose
Crumbling Patriarchal Fantasies
Dragons in the Yard
Austerlitz Surprise
From Behind the Wall
Inside the Wall
Inside the Wire, Auschwitz
Yellow House on the Elbe
Klezmer Revival
Kuche, Kinder, Kirche
Stone Church Remains
Not Just Stones in a Field
Sand, Sun, and Coral
The Night Before Easter
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