A Raven Read the News
A Raven Read the News
At the dark of Midnight
With a still glare of moon color
Strutting in a garden of delight
A squawk turned to a holler
He read the news today, Oh Boy!
The Raven in silent judgment stood
For it had all been just a ploy
To enflame the masters of the hood.
‘Twas a mere Day in the Life
Losing the forest in the Trees
It was full of needless strife
Should all not drop to our knees?
Came a tap, tap, tapping
With a Rap, rap, rapping
He read the news today, Oh Boy!
“Fooled them all,” quoth he.
For them, we are only a toy
Some say to just let it be.
The Raven read the news today,
Oh Boy! We shall see.
—Jay Ressler