No. 36 Plaka Walkabout update
I updated this painting, Plaka Walkabout to donate it to a charitable project to benefit CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates).
About the Painting:
The Plaka is a charming neighborhood in Athens, Greece, that is situated on a hillside in the shadow of the Acropolis. It is the oldest neighborhood in the city and is sometimes described as a village within the city. Auto traffic is prohibited. The area is a latticework of walkways connecting colorful homes and gardens. Figs, grapes, and red wine inspired the deep reds and purples I chose for the painting. Gold highlights emphasize the richness of this lush doorway to the past. A metallic tear in the canvas references cultural losses Greece has suffered through the millennia, particularly the plunder of national treasures by Imperial agents still housed unrepentantly in The British Museum.
And…Oh Yes!
There are the cats! They are everywhere on the Plaka. Groomed, unafraid, well-fed, and ever attentive to human ambulations.