No. 40. China Celebrates 70 Years
Tomorrow, October 1, 2019, marks the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. The Chinese Revolution ended more than a century of foreign domination and many centuries of feudal backwardness. Great revolutions, like the Chinese Revolution, are the result of great awakenings and action by millions of ordinary people, principally the workers and peasants. The founding of the PRC united the country and liberated hundreds of millions from backwardness. Bureaucratic abuses and dictatorial rule by Stalinist rulers–including The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution–resulted in major setbacks for the Chinese Revolution. The volcanic energy of the workers and peasants unleashed by the revolution was squandered and tens of millions starved to death or otherwise suffered following the dictates of the Maoist bureaucracy. China will be celebrating with a weeklong holiday. In spite of all this, China has made world-historic strides forward. This group of 15 photos is an attempt to capture some of the things ordinary Chinese people are doing to celebrate their earth-shaking accomplishments. (Written while on traveling the Yellow Sea)